Sunday, June 9, 2013

Q: and wedding dresses? A: and wedding dresses.

Cleo, I suppose that you may have wondered if there are good, long dresses in Venice. Yes, there are! In fact, lots of people come here to get married, and have their pictures taken in special places around the city. This morning, as I was walking to my boat, I saw this bride posing for her photographer in the gentle early sun. Maybe we can look for some brides with really long dresses when you get here!

But of course there are other fun things to see and hear, as well. Today I learned that the first storybook of Pinocchio was made here - and that we can see the tools that were used to make it. Also, occasionally the men who row the gondolas will sing, or will ask a friend to sing. You can sometimes here them coming down a canal, before you even see them. Or, if you're lucky, they might row right past you, when you're not even expecting it. Here's a picture I took (in a reflection, in a sculpture) that might show you what I mean:

Anyway, I hope that you had a fun trip to Washington, and that you're enjoying your time with Omi and Papa.


  1. cleo says could you please put up a video of the bride?
    a long one.
    and (cleo typed that)
    "I hope that you enjoy with us dear daddy."
